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10 Months Ago
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Should You Attend Summer School as A College Student? Here’s Why (and Why Not)

If you’re bored with the beach, maybe summer school is right for you! But should you do it?
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Summer break’s nearly here and everyone’s already making plans!

If you’re not sure what you can do this summer and the idea of being covered in sand and saltwater already feels boring to you, why not think about going to summer school?

“But isn’t that just for people who failed classes and have to catch up so they graduate on time?”

Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong! Virtually anyone can enroll in summer classes, even you. Here are the top reasons why you should (or maybe shouldn’t) go to summer school as a college student:

Pros of Attending College Summer Classes

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1. You can space out your load per semester

If you want more control over your fall and spring semester course loads, taking your general subjects over the summer will help. You’ll take fewer classes once the semester starts because you’re already done with that course over the summer. This is helpful if you’re balancing a lot in college outside the classroom, like your chapter duties, volunteer work, or even your part-time job.

2. You maintain the momentum of learning

You know what sucks about summer break? It’s not remembering anything you learned last spring semester, and then trying to recall all of it for your fall classes. This is called the “summer slide” and it’s hard to cope with it the first few weeks back in school. But if you’re consistently in school mode (but with reasonable breaks in between!), your brain doesn’t have to lose that momentum.

Insert that Law of Motion rule here. I don’t remember. I probably need summer school to learn Physics again.


3. You can diversify your degree

What if you’re comfortable with your course load? The great thing about summer school is that you have room to try new academic paths. 

You can use the opportunity to add an extra minor to your degree that doesn’t particularly relate to your major, but interests you! A passion project if you will. Plus, having a diverse degree stands out and gives you interesting talking points during interviews. 

Cons of Attending College Summer Classes

1. Not all subjects are available in summer school

Before you say “Yay!” to summer school, don’t forget to check which courses are available with your admin office first! Like students, professors also want to spend summer their way, so they may not be available to teach, especially if it’s an in-person class. Plus, summer classes are popular, so seats fill up fast.


If you still want to attend summer school and clear some general subjects, check their availability and the enrollment schedule ASAP. Then, schedule a reminder on your phone so you don’t forget!

2. You might be prone to academic burnout or FOMO

A problem some students have with always being in study mode (AKA not taking enough breaks) is the risk of burnout. That’s why vacations are essential, even as a student. Most universities allow for a few weeks of break between the spring semester, summer school, and fall semester, so use those breaks to detach from schoolwork!

FOMO (fear of missing out) is also common with summer school students. While you’re busy with homework and upcoming tests, your friends are on your IG feed with their beach pics. If you’re feeling left out, just remember your goal for summer school! And, who knows, maybe you’ll graduate earlier than your friends and they’ll get FOMO! jk. kinda.

3. Attending summer school can still be expensive


If you’re on student loans or a scholarship, they might cover summer school, so you might not have to worry about paying out of pocket. But other fees can still add up and make the summer school lifestyle expensive. For example, if you’re staying on-campus, that’s an additional few months of room and board fees, plus your daily or weekly expenses.

Some universities offer summer school as online classes. If yours doesn’t, luckily, there are lots of options to earn money as a college student. Taking up a part-time job, freelancing, or even being a Campus Manager can help!

Summer school is for the brave and the bold (like you). If you feel like you can do it, then get your school supplies, summer class fits, and Stanley Quenchers ready!