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8 Months Ago
6 min read

9 Iconic Greek Life Events You Can’t Skip

Study like a scholar, play like an all-star!
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Let’s be real: Pitbull, Trina, and Young Bo were definitely calling out Greek chapters in their song “Go Girl”. After all, we all know how sororities and fraternities study like a scholar and party like a rockstar! 

Okay, to be fair, Greek chapters aren’t strictly about parties, but that’s what most people think. And that’s what you think, too, right?

If you want to Rush for a fraternity or sorority this Fall semester (or next Spring), or if you’ve just joined one and don’t know what kind of events y’all doing, here are all the most common events the chapters at your campus might have throughout each school year!

Fall/Spring Recruitment

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One of the most exciting events for any aspiring fraternity or sorority member, as well as the chapters, is Recruitment Week, also known as Rush. It’s a chance for potential new members (PNMs) to know the various chapters in their campus, from the way their members vibe to the philanthropy they support. At the end of Rush Week, Bid Day happens, which is when PNMs can find out if they received a bid from the chapters they rushed for.

Depending on the college you attend, chapters do either a Fall Rush or a Spring Rush. There’s not much difference between both events beyond when they’re happening, but Spring Rush is also said to be less formal and more chill than Fall Rush. Still, you’ll have to prepare for the entire recruitment process, and hope your Bid Day is super blessed!


Lifelong brotherhood/sisterhood is a big thing with Greek chapters. Even after they’ve graduated, the alumni of the chapters stay in touch with their chapters. Every year, Homecoming events are held for them as they visit their fraternity and sorority, catch up with members they left behind after graduation, and meet their new brothers or sisters!

Game Day

We asked Steve Harvey to survey 100 chapters and they all say Game Day is their fav! Okay, we didn’t do that (we’re introverts sorry) but let’s be real: Game Day is one of the most exciting Greek events in Fall. Chapters show full support for their university’s sports teams, attend their game, and add to the fun by tailgating! It’s one of the best events if you’re into celebrating school spirit.


Work Week

No, this isn’t chapters doing a week of internships or part-time jobs. Work Week is the preparation week leading up to Recruitment, where chapters work hard (pun not intended) to make sure PNMs meet their best version at Rush. Know those RushTok vids of sororities having super choreographed presentations? They film those during Work Week!

Parents’ Weekend

You’ll inevitably miss your family while you’re away for college. We get that. Chapters get that. Every year, Greek chapters dedicate a weekend (which can also be separate for moms and dads) when members can invite their parents to campus and they have activities for everyone to do. Plus, you can introduce your parents to your new friends in the chapter and prove y’all not just partying every weekend like Hollywood makes people believe!


Got a significant other? You can bring them in to meet the rest of the chapter during formals/semi-formals! It’s like high school prom but with the added appeal of you not going through puberty and you can glam up as much as you want. If you can’t look at your prom pics without cringing hard af, your chapter’s formal/semi-formal is the best time to redeem yourself.



If we’re ranking the biggest or most important events for Greek chapters, Philo Week events are definitely up in the Big 3. Supporting a cause is a huge thing for Panhellenic organizations and it’s even a crucial factor chapters discuss with PNMs during Rush. Philo week activities are serious business—everyone’s doing their best to raise funds to donate to their philanthropy. Plus, it always feels good to give back to the community!


When you join a Greek chapter, you’ll understandably be lost and confused with everything you now have to comply with. Not all chapters have a formal Big/Little event, but nevertheless, they are events where the newest batch of PCs are paired with and meet their “big”, or an active who will act as their “older sibling” and guide as they adjust to Greek life. Wish we have that here tbh.

Retreat/Mountain Weekend

College is stressful. And when stress piles up, when things become too busy, you may forget to spend time with your chapter. Everyone feels that way, and that’s why retreats exist. Chapters dedicate a few days just vibing with each other, doing fun activities, and getting to know each other more away from the pressures of academics.

For Greek chapters from universities near mountain ranges (or if your chapter just feels like it tbh), Mountain Weekend is the equivalent of their retreat. The entire chapter heads to a mountain lodge and uses this time to disconnect from the stress of college and reconnect with their brothers or sisters. 

Apart from these, other smaller events may happen for your campus’ Greek chapters throughout the year. If you’re already part of a sorority or fraternity, make sure to keep up with the schedules of these events, remember to order your merch on time, and just enjoy the experience!