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9 Months Ago
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12 Truths About What Living in a Sorority House Is REALLY Like

Are the things you see on YouTube vlogs and TikToks vids about sorority houses real? Let’s find out!
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An exciting part about joining a sorority is living in a chapter house with all your new sisters! It’s like an everyday sleepover with your best friends and only ends after graduation. You’re probably already planning what stuff to bring once Fall Rush is done and you get a bid from a sorority. 

But if you’re not used to living in a dorm or are wondering how different a chapter house is from a dorm, here are some facts about sorority houses that can help!

Disclaimer: Many of these depend on what the system is like at the sorority house you’ll live in, so you can also ask the members about it during Rush.

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1. Your room situation will depend on the layout of your sorority house

Sorority houses vary depending on your university and the size of your chapter. If you’ve been around RushTok, you know some creators even rank the best sorority MANSIONS in the country! Whether you share a room with someone or not depends on the setup.

The most common situations we can see on YouTube and TikTok are 2-people rooms, meaning you’ll likely share a room with one other person. But you might even share with 2 people or have a room to yourself—it depends!

2. Your roommate will depend on the system of your chapter

Some chapters go by big-little, so you get to room with your big until it’s time you have your own little. Others pair up line sisters AKA the pledges that joined the sorority the same time you did. It depends on what setup your chapter has. Either way, it’s likely inevitable that your roommate will be your closest friend in the entire sorority!

3. There might be a sorority mother or housing director who’s like a dorm admin

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Not all sorority houses have a house mother, but the bigger the place is, the more likely you’ll come across one. House mothers care for the sorority house, from housekeeping, chaperoning the girls, guiding and mentoring the sorority members, and maintaining the rules (including proper sanctions).

They aren’t just random people, too. House mothers apply for the job and are screened thoroughly by the appropriate boards. They have to possess certain skills, including diplomacy, hospitality management, psychology, and basic computer use. Think of it as a “hotel manager meets a guidance counselor”!

4. The kitchen might not always be open

Sorority houses with in-house chefs or cooks might not always have food prepared 24/7, which can suck if you get hungry while cramming for finals at 2 AM. In that case, you’ll have to be prepared either with a stash of snacks or easy-cooked food in your room. You can also store some food in the fridge and eat them for later. Or, y’know, UberEATS/DoorDash.

5. You don’t need to be dressed up 24/7

Like we mentioned in our post about questions you’ll be asked during Rush, sororities are looking for authenticity—even with how you look! Your sisters won’t judge you if you’re in your pajamas and slippers, especially if it’s exams week. Many sorority girls only dress up if they need to do something and look presentable.

Of course, sometimes there’s the pressure of looking your best around other people, even if it’s your sisters. In that case, cute but comfy clothes, like a pullover with a pair of cotton shorts, or an oversized tee with cute sweats, are sensible choices you can start with! As long as they don’t have holes or look like they’re falling apart, who cares?

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6. You’ll probably share bathrooms with others

If you aren’t used to sharing a bathroom, you will do so in a sorority house. However, the stereotype of “girls always maintain a clean and pretty bathroom” exists for a reason! With a house mother and everyone also urged to be responsible for shared spaces, bathrooms in a chapter house are often super well-maintained.

Just buy a cute bathroom caddy from IKEA and get used to undressing in a cubicle, and you’re good to go!

7. Drama can be inevitable

Little fights happen even in the tightest friend groups. Sorority girls also get into a little drama, but those get resolved, too. If you feel tension with your friends or see catty behavior between a few people, the sorority mother or other members might step in.

Sometimes, it’s just because of little misunderstandings. Other times, it’s just a case of cabin fever. This brings us to the next point… 

8. You’ll realize you need alone time away from the house sometimes

It’s fun being in a sorority house. And, if you’re a total indoor cat girlie, you’ll probably love being inside more than sweating under the sun. But being cooped up too long while being surrounded by other girls almost 24/7 isn’t good for you, either! Sometimes, you should step outside, get some alone time, and maybe touch grass. Or meet a cute guy. Or get a manicure.

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9. You won’t have to worry about stolen food most of the time

A shared kitchen can worry many people because what if someone steals the shrimp takeout you put in there even when it has your name on it!? Don’t those happen a lot in offices?

That’s likely not a common problem in sorority houses as long as each member respects one another. Some girls might text you to ask if they can try the stuff you put in the fridge, but as long as everyone’s on good terms with each other, no food thieves will be born.

10. You can decorate however you want, but there are built-in furniture, too

Like in your childhood house, you can decorate your side of the room however you want! There will be pieces of furniture that you can’t move (they’re likely drilled into the walls or floor), so you can’t rearrange everything, but no one will stop you from sticking cute wallpapers, corkboards, hanging strings for your polaroids, and other stuff!

11. Visitors are allowed depending on the house rules

What if your parents suddenly want to visit? Many chapter houses are fine with guests, especially if they’re family members! However, you might also have to inform the sorority mother in advance and heed any rules for visitors, like allowed visitation times, prohibited areas to visitors, etc.


12. Laundry areas can get a little busy

If you time your wash day right, you might get the laundry area to yourself or just with a few people, which lessens your fear of mixing your clothes with someone. But there are certain days when the laundry area can get busy, such as the days leading up to Move Out Day, when everyone’s trying to catch up on laundry before they pack their stuff. 

If you’re worried someone might just come in and take your clothes from the dryer without you knowing, you can always leave a note on the machine with your name and phone number. That way, the next person who wants to use it can text you if they need you to get your clothes after the cycle is done.

tl;dr: Living in a sorority house is just like living in a dorm, but way more fun, and everyone living in it is someone you know and love. It will take a bit of getting used to, but it’s worth your dues! Have fun and good luck!!